Languages : malay | english

  • 173

  • 173

Poster Guidelines

Your poster should be:

 1. Presented in portrait layout and printed on A1 (23” by 33”) size paper
 2. Be concise and well organized
 3. Simple with a clear "take home" message
 4. Attractive and aesthetically pleasing
 5. Be easy to read from a distance of at least 1 - 2 metres
 6. A mixture of graphics and text

The poster must include but not limited to:

 1. A title
 2. Names of authors or contributors
 3. Address of authors or contributors
 4. A brief introduction
 5. The method used
 6. Results
 7. Discussion/Conclusions
 8. References
 9. Acknowledgements

Push pins or Velcro will be provided to attach your posters to the boards. Posters will remain on display for the whole duration of the conference. Remove your poster immediately at the close of the conference.

Latest Update : Fri, 25 Aug 2017 (azmiza)